Loan Requirements

Loans from the Dietrich American Foundation (DAF) are made to museums and educational institutions funded by either the private or the government sector. Prior to a formal loan agreement, institutions are asked to complete a Standard Facilities Report detailing security and curatorial procedures. We use the form approved by the American Association of Museums. General guidelines for our loans are as follows:

  1. Objects will be displayed or made available for study by the public. Objects will be held in storage only for short periods in cases where display is impossible due to construction, conservation, exhibit preparation, shipment preparation, etc.
  2. No objects may be cleaned, restored, repaired or altered in any way without the consultation and written permission of the DAF. There shall be periodic inspections of objects. If any damage or deterioration is noted, the DAF will be notified at once and in detail.
  3. No photographs may be taken of the objects for any reason other than record keeping and condition reporting. Any requests for photography for publicity, education, etc. must be made to the Foundation in writing.
  4. Each object must have a descriptive label giving detailed information about the piece and giving credit for ownership to the DAF.
  5. All objects will be insured by the Borrower under an all risk “wall-to-wall” policy while in transit or on location at the insurance value stated by the DAF.
  6. All costs and means of transportation and packing will be borne by the Borrower. Arrangements will be made in consultation with the DAF and only qualified carriers and trained personnel will be allowed to handle or transport the object.
  7. The normal loan period for long-term loans to an institution is 5 years and may be renewable. The object may be withdrawn at any time upon written notice by the DAF. All borrowing institutions are asked to complete and sign a formal loan agreement generated by our staff.